Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Woves are shot and killed daily. One of the main reasons hunters hunt them is because they kill their livestock(sheep,pigs,cows,chickens,ect,). They use their pelt for coats. Some wolves are killed because they just want to hunt something. The hunters kill them for many things but sometimes the wolf is innocent, but is still shot. What if the wolf had cubs it had to feed? The cubs would starve and die! Answer these questions. "Do you think that it is right to kill an innocent wolf, or any wolf in the matter? What do you think it would be like to have one wolf left on earth? If there was only one wolf left and a hunter was aiming at it, would you risk your life for the wolf's?


  1. I don't think it is right to kill an innocent wolf because the wolf uses it's instincts to kill animals for food and energy to live and take care of it's pack. the wolf needs to be able to live it's own life without fear.
    I think that if there was only one wolf left on earth it would be, at least for me like a funeral. I would have the most beautiful and majestic parts in my life torn away! The creature I love ripped away.
    If a hunter was aiming at the last wolf on earth i would jump in front of the shot saving the wolf. THAT ANIMAL HAS AS MUCH OF A RIGHT TO LIVE AS THE HUNTER OR EVEN AS MUCH AS I DO.

  2. Well, today we had math (like always) Rick has a new blog can't tell you have to look. Hope u'll be there tomorrow, it's too boring!

  3. No for the first question, I think it is wrong. I think it would be terrible to have one wolf left on earth. Yes I would risk my life to save a wolf. I love wolf's (not like you of course) but, they are so cute and amazing animals!

  4. No i dont think we should kill wolfs and i would totaly die for a wolf in a heart beat!

  5. Way to elaborrate on the questions!!!!!!!!

  6. Thank you! I know I answered it awesome. At least my answer was longer than Tia's! (Sorry Tia)

  7. hey werewolf its me again and i want to say it is really wrong to kill an inocent wolf! if that wolf had pups then the pups wold DIE thus decresing our wolf population then the wolf population would become exinct.
