Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hello everyone, this is a place where we can just chat!!!!!


  1. This video is AMAZING! My little sister is watching it with me and it is so amazing! The wolves are really pretty. Brenna (my little sister) started crying when she saw the wolves eating the bear, LOL! This is so COOL! I can't believe I'm saying this but... you were right. This video is AWESOME!

  2. come check out my little siblings and my 3 layer burritos!

  3. Hey crazy werewolf,
    One of the videos talked about the cooperation needed for wolves to survive which I appreciated. They are pack-oriented and could not survive without the others in the pack doing their part--love that!
    Also, as was listening to howl of wolf, Azul and Luna's ears perked up. Too cute. I think I will play it again for them...

    Thanks for the entertainment, Gordon!
    Ms. Garcia

  4. Full moon on: February 7th! I am so happy it's when we're in out door lab. I am sad that I can't say what I am sad about!

  5. SLAM GAMES here we come! Slam games for every spelling list, good luck to Savanah, you, and me!
