Sunday, February 5, 2012

OUTDOOR LAB IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         OELS POEM!!!!!!!!
I watch over you 
I stalk you as you sleep in your cabin
An empty bunk
Claw marks on the trees
Drewl drips from my jaws as i see you awaken
Thoughts of you as food make my stomach churn
I leap
You spin about to scream
You are my midnight snack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you hear that there is going to be a full moon when we are up at OELS?

Watch out you might encounter me! In wolven form!


  1. You are really mean! All you do is talk about this and now, you write a poem about it! At least you didn't change for wolf form! I will update when next full moon is!

  2. that was awesome gordan i love your poem and how you will turn into a werewolf sick! :)

  3. Rick he obviously didn't turn into a wolf! jeez, I mean we would have heard a howl! There was no claw marks on any trees and I am STILL ALIVE ( so is savanah.)


  4. I found out the next full moon! Next full moon is March 8th. That is a Thursday so, everybody lock your doors, don't want to encounter Gordon in wolf form!

  5. All I have to say is sooooo glad didn't read Gordon's poem until today. If I had read it before we went to Outdoor Lab, I might not have been able to get to sleep each night! Way to be a vivid (and definitely NOT vague) writer.

    next full moon March 8th? be ready everyone!!!!

  6. Next full moon update! Next full moon is April 6th! Thank goodness it's not on my birthday, phew!
